by Retha Basham | 29 Oct 2017 | Muffins, November, Recipes
Our apple muffins recipe is one of the most popular muffins of all. We do a lesson about apples, and then use grated apple in our muffin recipe. The recipe includes rubbing the butter and flour together (fine motor skills) sensory skills, as we put some cinnamon into...
by Retha Basham | 23 Oct 2017 | Pastry, Recipes
With this honey bear bread recipe, we usually do a lesson about honey bees and honey, and the health benefits of honey. We touch on how honey is made and show the children pictures of bees and honey combs. This is a very easy and lovely recipe that you can make...
by Retha Basham | 16 Oct 2017 | Muffins, October, Recipes
With our blueberry muffins, we show the children a blueberry plant , and talk about the colours and what the plant needs to grow. We taste the blueberries, as some are slightly sweet and some more sour. We then make our muffin recipe to which we add the fresh...
by Retha Basham | 5 Oct 2017 | Cookies, Recipes
With the imagination cookies we touch on sensory stimulation, fine motor skills and creativity. The children smell and taste and use their hands to cut out shapes.They then decorate the cookies with icing and pick up small sprinkles to put on the cookies. They are...
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