Our plain shortbread cookie recipe focuses on fine motor skills, as we first have to soften the dough with our hands, as well as rolling it out and cutting out shapes. We also learned about different shapes and colours. A big part of the recipe is also about creativity as each child is given free reign to decorate the cookie in any way he or she whishes.



150 g cake flour
50 g caster sugar
100 g butter (softened)

Add extra filling to the recipe for more exciting flavour!

Method for plain shortbread cookies

Pre-heat the oven to 170°C.

Dough for 24 cookies

Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl, rub the mixture between thumbs and fingerprints until it comes together, form a ball of dough. Roll little balls, place on a baking sheet and press flat with a fork.

During the mixing and rubbing together of the butter and flour lemon zest, chocolate chips or other ingredients such as raisins can be added to the dough.

Bake cookies for approximately 7 – 10 minutes or until ready.

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*Recipe courtesy of Jane Bull – The Baking Book.