Monthly classes

Classes will take place on the first and third Saturday of every month. Book now Children from ages 3 years old and above are welcome. Little ones up to age 6 should be accompanied by a parent. These will typically be our mom and child or dad and child classes.  ...
Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

With our pumpkin spice muffins we teach the children about pumpkins . We take a pumpkin plant to the class and show the children the plant with the pumpkin flower and the small pumpkins starting to grow. We also take different pumpkins such as a butternut, gem squash,...
Apple Muffins

Apple Muffins

Our apple muffins recipe is one of the most popular muffins of all. We do a lesson about apples, and then use grated apple in our muffin recipe. The recipe includes rubbing the butter and flour together (fine motor skills) sensory skills, as we put some cinnamon into...
Blueberry muffins

Blueberry muffins

With our blueberry muffins, we show the children a blueberry plant , and talk about the colours and what the plant needs to grow. We taste the blueberries, as some are slightly sweet and some more sour. We then make our muffin recipe to which we add the fresh...
Banana Muffins

Banana Muffins

With our banana muffins recipe we have a lesson about bananas. Where and how they grow, the colours when still green and when they are ripe. The texture of the banana and the health benefits are touched on. We then make and easy banana muffin recipe where we exercise...